Kirkintilloch Branch are delighted to thank Seago Ltd for their generous donation of new life jackets to replace our out of date Seago Life Jackets which have given sterling service over a number of years. We wish Seago Ltd every success in the production of this exceptional life saving product. The photo shows our Volunteers with the new jackets.
Stowaway on recent Cruise plus offspring perhaps looking for parent in Boathouse
We had an unexpected visitor to the Boathouse last week. Either looking for dinner or perhaps its parent. Followed a couple of days later by perhaps the parent stowing away on a cruise looking for the offspring,
Festive Break

Kirkintilloch Branch wish all our Clients and Volunteers a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
We would also advise clients that our Office as now closed until until 16th January 23 when we will reopen to commence taking bookings for the new season commencing 10th April 23